A Blast From the Past

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

This is the mountain goats the boys saw when they hiked Elsinore. There was a lot of cool pictures, but I didn't have time to put them all in. Sorry.


What a poser. But I love him anyway.

Steve looks like such a stud. :)

Angie on the zip line. Ooo La La.

This was at a really cool park in shelton.

I thought Brynlie would be scared on the zip line because she doesn't like hights.

Guess I was wrong.

Daddy fishing with the girls off of the dock at the beach house we were staying at.

The kids loved this swing.

This is at Pike's Place Market.

The Girls Playing in the dirt on the deck at the beach house.

It was kind of scary feeding the seaguls off the back of the ferry. One bit Ering and made her bleed.

McKelle at Penrose Point.

The girls loved the sand dollers.

This is a Skulpin. They are a really cool kind of shiney gold color. They also have this little spike just above their gills that they stick up to poke any threats.

These are squid eggs.

Brylie was always showing a little crack.

Kayaking with steve. It was AWSOME. Steve built the kayaks and they weighed 25 pounds, but he said that they could hold 300 pounds. Pretty amazing.

We had a Marshmellow roast at Debbie's house and the kids loved it. She had supersized marshmellows wich was a big hit for the little guys.

Here we are taking off to Wahsington on the airplane. The kids had lost a little bit of their patients because we were stuck on the plane for an hour and a half without going anywhere. Other than that, they loved it.

We went to fish lake with Clints friend, and stopped by capital Reef National Park while we were there. This is some of the pictures we took at the park.

It was super hot here but the girls were pretty good sports.

Here is clint doing his newly aquired gay wave. McKelle taught it to him, but when she does it it's cute, not homo.

We went to five mile pass with clint's family and the girls had a blast geo caching. It was one big treasure hunt while riding four wheelers, what kid wouldn't like to do it?

That is one good looking family. :)

The tigers were playing in the water when we went to the zoo. The kids thought it was pretty cool.

Boo's Preschool Graduation

Aubrianne learned to wride her bike without training wheels. She went so fast she burnt her tire black. JK

McKelle with Bryn's bunny

Boo with her bunny.

1 comment:

  1. loved all the pictures, some of your comments cracked me up.. you have an adorable family! glad you all came to visit and we really hope to make it down your way someday. enjoy the rest of your summer!



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