A Blast From the Past

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Girls day out with Dad.

We went up to the fire station to visit clint on his birthday. Aubrianne had fun pretenting to Drive the Ambulance at clints work.

Aubrianne strapped herself into the gurney. She thought that was cool.

It looks like McKelle likes the station also.

Clint got to drive us around the parking lot in the fire truck.
The girls favorite part was wearing the headphones and being able to talk to each other through them.

Clint's sister kira got married on January 16th. We're really excited for her.

Miles(clints brother) and McKelle

This is what Mckelle would look like as a blond.

Brynlie played this fishing game all Christmas day. She ran the batteries dead.

The Christmas eve party at grandma Atkin's or Natkin as Brynlie always says.

Brynlie was the angle in the pagent at My mom's house.

We went to see santa's reindeer at Thanksgiving point.

Aubrianne had to be the donkey because she loves anything that even somewhat resembles a horse.

We went caroling to the neighbors house then hit home for hot chocolate.

McKelle the red nosed reindeer:)

This was our cute little Christmas tree We found. It actually worked great in our house.

The fall Festival

From the Mouth of Babes

Brynlie: "Look mom, Amanda's trees have light boobs."
Me: " What?" I was wondering where she had heard that, but then it dawned on me that she ment light bulbs.

Brynlie: "Can I have a drink mom."
Me:"Yes Madam."
Brynlie:"I am not a Madam."
Me:"are you a woman."
Brynlie:"No, I am a girlman."

I was wearing my glasses as I was driving one day.
Brynlie:"Why are you wearing glasses?"
Me:"So I can see the road signs."
Brynlie:"Wow. You must be really old."

Aubrianne:"Dad don't drive so fast. You will get a ticket, and then you will go to jail and the policeman will take us and we will be police kids."
(I guess I never knew speeding was so serious)

Clint:"Aubrianne, don't pick at your owies."
Aubrianne:"Dad!(She gets a really stern look)I get it from you(Like it was his fault, and she couldn't help it.)


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