A Blast From the Past

Thursday, September 22, 2011

We went to the Zoo in May to celebrate Kylie's, my niece, birthday. We gave each of the girls a dollar to give to the cockatill.

Brynlie and Aubrianne loved the Bald eagle, so we got a picture by it.

Clint thought it was funny to see a six and a half month pregnant lady riding a pig. The similarity between the two made for such a good photo opportunity. :)

We went with Erin and Daniel to Salem pond to try out the kayaks that they made. The girls liked them a lot because they could control them all by themselves. However, the little bit of a breeze that was blowing made it so they got tired out pretty fast and had a hard time coming back to shore. Brynlie was the most dramatic about the situation, but she always is.

Brynlie's cat had three kittens, but only one lived. It worked out all right though because that is all we wanted for ourselves.

Aubrianne's kindergarten graduation. I don't know why they have a graduation for kindergarten, but she was cute and sang her songs really well.

Brynlie's preschool end of the year program. She was so cute. Every time they finished singing a song she would be the only one to stand and bow or curtsy quite comically. I don't know if you have seen wild hearts can't be broken, but she reminded me of Sanora Webster when she made the horse jump for the first time and she couldn't stop her peculiar bowing.

We took the girls on a bike ride along the Provo river. It was a blast and the girls did awesome. They probably ended up biking over a mile or two. Brynlie got a little tired by the end, but she still did awesome.

There was this cool swing along the trail that was hanging from a tree about 70 feet up in the air. The girls loved to go as high as we could get them.

When we got done riding our bikes, Clint showed the girls this weed called bed straw that would stick to your cloths. The girls thought that was so cool. They even made bed straw outfits. Unfortunately, on the way home they were kind of scratched up and itchy. It mad for a little bit of dramatic ride home.

The county fair

McKelle loved this train, but the noisy whistle scared her to death.

I finally had my baby, and she was worth the swollen cankles, the stay puff marshmallow feet, and the aching hips and back that came along with her. What a perfect miracle. Clint got to deliver her(with some coaching from the doctor). He thought that was awesome, but it didn't get us any discounts. :) Fortunately the stay puff marshmallow feet and cankles disappeared once she was delivered. We named her Addie Emberlee Nielson, and she is fitting in great with the rest of us girls, and Clint of course.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I am sorry to the few people that enjoy my blog. I haven't updated it in a while (10 months, oops). I just haven't had a whole lot of time. We are doing great, and we are expecting our 4th girl around September 3, 2011. Here are a few other things that are going on.(I didn't get it update quite all the way so there will be more, hopefully before 10 months rolls around.)

Easter was a lot of fun. The girls used these straws they got in their baskets as glasses

Over spring break we went to Goblin Valley with Ben and Angie. The kids had a blast!! They still talk about it. Brynlie called it Zombie valley though. She was certain that the "zombies" were going to come to life at night. I think Grandpa Atkin put the idea in here head.

Brynlie hated this picture. She is quite scared of heights, hence she is covering her eyes.

What a cute family!!

McKelle was only potty trained for about 6 weeks but she did awesome going potty in the great outdoors.

This is where we were camping. It was just outside of the park, but you had to drive threw a ditch to get there. It was great because nobody
was able to camp by us.

We went to Wild Wonders for Aubrianne's birthday party. It was one of the three days in April that it didn't rain, so everything worked out good.

Ella was more interested in caging herself up than seeing the animals.

I made matching dresses for the girls for Easter, but I let them wear them to Miles and Jessica's wedding. Aren't they cute. To bad I didn't find out that McKelle hates brown until I was done making them. It is like pulling hair trying to get her to wear it now

There is the happy couple.

Here is the little four wheeler Clint got for the girls. They think it is a blast. McKelle would ride it all day.

This is McKelle with our little pet Bantam chicken. She loves holding it. The little rooster we have is quite mean though. He has drawn blood from Brynlie at least once.

I did Brynlie's hair for crazy hair day at school. All the kids loved it and were gawking at her when she came into class. She loved the attention.

The girls were pretending to be Santa Clause with the bubbles.

McKelle didn't enjoy it so much, and every time she would wipe off the bubbles more would get on her from her bubbley hand.

This is us on our way to catch chorus frogs. Brynlie was being creative with her scarf.

Here is Brynlie with the frogs. The kids had fun spotting them, but I think Clint enjoyed it the
This is McKelles favorite game. The Fishing game. She's even better than me at it.

Potty Training. Oh, the joys of motherhood. It is also a good form of birth control :)

However, McKelle did awsome and it was nice that Clint was on his four day off so he could share in the potty training duty.


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